Webcampak user guide

F. Gerthoffert

Version en Francais / Document in French:

September 2012

Table of Contents

1. Overview
1. Audience
2. Webcampak & Webcampak Cloud
2.1. Webcampak
2.2. Webcampak Cloud
2.3. Where to buy Webcampak ?
3. Features
3.1. Features list
3.2. New features
4. Sources
5. Files
5.1. Redundancy
5.2. Automated deletion
5.3. File structure
2. First steps
1. Webcampak Interface
3. Navigate within pictures
1. Global view
2. Source selection
3. Date and time selection
4. Picture area
4.1. Picture optimization
4.2. Picture and zoom
4.3. Comment a picture
4.4. Send a picture by email
4.5. Navigate within pictures
4.6. Thumbnails
4. Navigate within videos
1. Global view
2. Source selection
3. In-browser video preview
4. Downloading a video
5. Webcampak Statistics
1. Number of pictures per source and per day
2. Pictures size per source and per day
3. Source disk usage evolution per day
4. System statitics
6. Webcampak logs
1. Lecture des logs
2. Calculs des différents temps d'exécution
7. Webcampak Cloud configuration
8. Webcampak sources configuration
1. Capture tab
1.1. Source Configuration
1.2. Capture calendar
1.3. Configuration of "Compact or DSLR USB Camera (Gphoto2 PTP mode)"
1.4. Configuration of "USB webcam"
1.5. Configuration of "IP Camera (FTP) / Webcampak"
1.6. Configuration of "Internet Picture" or "Video Streaming"
1.7. Configuration of "Sensor (Phidget)"
2. Pictures tab
2.1. Crop picture
2.2. Add a Watermark
2.3. Insert Text
2.4. Static pictures (hotlink)
2.5. Archives
2.6. Send pictures via FTP
3. Videos tab
3.1. Daily video creation
3.2. Advanced video settings
3.3. Filtrer similar pictures
3.4. Insert Watermark
3.5. Pre-processing manipulations (advanced)
3.6. Add an audio file
3.7. Upload to Youtube
3.8. Send videos via FTP
4. Custom Vids. tab
4.1. Create a custom video
5. Post-prod Vids. tab
5.1. Zone selection within source picture (crop)
5.2. Activate transition (from Crop selection)
5.3. Resize Pictures
5.4. Insert a Thumbnail
5.5. Prepare Post-Prod pictures
6. Advanced tab
6.1. Configuration of local FTP account
6.2. Emails
6.3. Phidget board
7. FTP Servers tab
9. Permissions management
1. Manage permissions and credentials
2. Permissions window
3. Manage companies
4. Manage Sources
5. Manage Groups
6. Manage Users
10. System configuration
1. Webcampak system settings
1.1. Network
1.2. Timezone
1.3. Gphoto
1.4. Global FTP account (resources)
1.5. Statistics
1.6. Phidget
2. Email configuration
11. Examples
1. Create a mask with The Gimp
1.1. Download and open a Webcampak picture
12. Installation
1. Ubuntu Server installation
1.1. Detailed Ubuntu Server (12.04) installation
2. Webcampak installation
2.1. Webcampak detailed installation (outdated)

List of Figures

8.1. USB webcam configuration
8.2. Configuration of an IP Camera
8.3. Example 1: source picture and 1080p area, cropping 1920:1080:0:0
8.4. Example 1: source picture and 1080p area, cropping 1920:1080:0:300
8.5. Example 1: source picture and 1080p area, cropping 1920:1080:0:150
8.6. Example 2: 3904x2807 1920:1080:1824:1280
8.7. Example 2: result
11.1. Open source picture
11.2. Insert a transparent layer
11.3. Create a new layer
11.4. Display layers
11.5. New layer with color
11.6. Change opacity of the layer
11.7. Erase sections to monitor
11.8. Opacity at 100 on new layer
11.9. Delete background layer
11.10. Save picture

List of Tables

8.1. Video length comparison